2019 Route 20 Relay Run - Warning: Undefined array key

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The N.Y. Route 20 Association is celebrating 20 years as an association and 20 years of Road Challenge Races! To commemorate this milestone, the Route 20 Association is promoting a very special event. On August 17th, 2019, we are having a 108 mile RELAY RUN. We will start early in the morning with runners covering approximately 3 mile segments, some a little more and some a little less. We will have runners start from Duanesburg and from Lafayette, and work towards the approximate midway point of West Winfield.

We will be covering the entire NY Route 20 stretch of road, from Duanesburg in the east to
Lafayette in the west, we will have a celebration at Cleaver’s BBQ in West Winfield NY! If you
are joining us for dinner, we need to have $5/person. This helps us with making sure that we
can accommodate everyone as well as helping out in defraying some of the cost of the food and
banquet room!

There is no cost to participate, but due the fact that this is a celebration and we are promoting
Route 20 at the same time, we ask that you buy a special edition Route 20 running shirt (cost
will be $10). Please send a check to me- Bill Kosina. My address is 1434 Co. Hwy 25, R.S.
NY 13439. Please have it postmarked by 7/21/19. The idea behind the shirt is to help with
promotion of the event and to advertise the Route 20 Association. We hope to gain lots of
media coverage!!!

Understand, this is not a race, more like a training run!!!! The idea is to sign up for a segment or
two and help us celebrate the day, the association, and the wonderful things that Route 20 has
to offer!

How to sign up? Super easy, just e-mail Bill Kosina at jabkos@verizon.net. You can also
message me on facebook! Please give me your name, your contact information, and an area
that you like to cover (examples: Bridgewater, Esperance) and your training pace (ex: 10
min/mile) and special considerations (Examples: love the hills, hate the hills)
Please remember, Route 20 has MANY HILLS, both ascending and descending!! I will do the
best I can to accommodate your requests. Yes, runners can request to run together as well!!
Craig North and I will do our best to get the running relay segments mapped out as soon as we
can. So the game plan will be that you give me a thumbs up and when we have the map done,
we can get it out for you! Then you can pick your segment! We can have multiple people
running the same section, just need to make sure that we have at least one person for each!
We need your shirt order (money included) and food money (if joining us) by July 25th!
Postmarked by 7/21/19 please!!!

View the map here

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